Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Everyone goes through their own something (shit)

It's true everyone does go their own something and more often than not that something is shit, and I find that in NYC there are two types of people who handle it when it comes their way. People who are going through their own issues or shit have an attitude that they don't care at all about anyone's else's expect theirs. This type of person is selfish and will always be consumed with their own problems. Then their are the people who are going through something terrible and still find time to care, help and listen to others. I would like to say I am the later of these two people. Recently I was hit by a drunk driver in the meatpacking district downtown as I was crossing the street. I was hospitalized for a few days and in that time I received an overwhelming concern and support from friends, family and colleagues. It is in times like these you experience who truly is your friend and who truly cares about you and also those who aren't really your actual friends, at all. I know this is so obvious but it is also shocking. 

I am a girl who has gone through tragedies, overcame them and grown from these past experiences. Freak accidents happen everyday, it is part of life and there is no way to escape them. It is estimated in NYC that somewhere between 5-10 people get hit by a car everyday, that's a lot! Whether it be a pedestrian or cyclist, this city is busy, populous and accidents do happen everyday. I have learned through my recent accident that some of my friends who I thought were so close and caring for me (in NYC specifically) were not there when I needed it most. It's been barely over two weeks now and the emotional and physical impact still effects my everyday life. I have used this time to reflect many different things. Ultimately I have decided no matter what city you live in you there's different people and culture, and stereotypes hold true to some extent in most cases. NYC is known for being a fast paced and sometimes absurd city with rude people constantly on the go. After this accident some of my NYC friends have proven very true to this New Yorker attitude. I will always love New York and the city especially. I love the diversity but I don't always love all the people. After living here now for over a year and half I have finally been hurt by New Yorkers. Between cab drivers, servers, hospital staff and workers, there is always different types of people, in NYC being absurd and rude is just a part of being a New Yorker. I am extremely thankful for all the positive and power New York does provide. 

I love you New York, but right now it's a love hate relationship.  

1 comment:

  1. I was worried when I heard that you were hit by a drunk driver. Those who get arrested for DUI, most of them lack experience necessary to find a qualified and skillful DUI representation, which makes reliable assistance from the right DUI lawyer invaluable. Let me know if you need any help as my friend is a DUI lawyer and can help you.
