Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My travels so far... Los Angeles, Ca and Wyntoon, Ca (a private estate up north)

Hey Everyone :)

I would call myself an adventurous college student with a passion for exploring. 
I find myself in some pretty noteworthy experiences that will def worth be reading. I am a communication and media studies major who aspires to travel the world. 

My blog will describe my many travels I will be having during this summer. I am a Southern California native and now reside in NYC. I will compare how it is to life bi-coastally from my own personal experiences. I have just come back from one of the most magical experiences one could ever have. I went up to a place called Wyntoon, a private estate, in Northern California and experienced something most Californians have never or maybe will never be able to experience. I went up to the Wyntoon estate owned by the Hearst Family, this esatae used to belonged to media tycoon William Randolph Hearst. I went up with my boyfriend who is apart of the Hearst family.Since this property is private it is invitation only. While there I was able to experience something most californian's will never be able to. I am a beach girl and this estate was in a forest. Everywhere you look there our beautiful trees surrounding you and the air is so crisp. The estate is located just under Mt. Shasta and a river running off the mountain runs through the property. The river is called St. Cloud River. On this private estate there is no service, barely any internet, a house phone and full staff. The estate itself is gorgeous with over five houses nestled in what they call the village.  While there went to some beautiful costume parties and hung out with a lot of New Yorkers. Most of my boyfriend's friends there were from New York. Some of them reminded me of during the school year when I reside in New York full time. This adventure took place about a week and has so far been the highlight of my summer. So read along if you please!

This is a picture of the Wyntoon estate village below. 



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